Discover 70 Feeling Drained Quotes for When You're Exhausted

Feeling drained is such a confusing experience. On one hand, you feel the need to slow down and acknowledge your exhaustion. But on the other hand, there are so many people depending on you, with countless demands on your time, that it often feels impossible to stop and simply take a breath.

In my personal and professional journey, I’ve worked hard to balance the demands on my energy. One of the resources I’ve found incredibly helpful is reading feeling drained quotes.

These quotes serve as gentle reminders that self-care and self-love are not selfish. They are necessary for your well-being. Whenever I start to feel like I’m letting people down by taking time for myself, these tiredness quotes give me the encouragement I need to reset without guilt.

I’m excited to share this collection of 70 feeling drained quotes to inspire and uplift you during your moments of exhaustion. Let them remind you that taking care of yourself is not a weakness—it’s a strength that allows you to keep going!

Why Read Feeling Drained Quotes When You Are Stressed and Tired?

  1. “Reading quotes gives our weary souls a small, but much-needed reprieve from life’s struggles.” — Unknown
  2. “Words have the power to heal, especially when the weight of exhaustion is on our shoulders.” — Helen Keller
  3. “Sometimes all we need is a little reminder that we’re not alone in our weariness.” — C.S. Lewis
  4. “In the moments of deepest fatigue, the right words can be a spark to reignite our fire.” — J.K. Rowling
  5. “Quotes are like tiny bursts of energy when we are too tired to muster our own.” — Maya Angelou
  6. “A well-timed quote can shift your mindset from despair to hope.” — Oprah Winfrey
  7. “When you’re too tired to find your own words of encouragement, let someone else’s words lift you up.” — Walt Whitman
  8. “Feeling drained is a reminder to pause, and sometimes, all you need is the right phrase to remind you of your strength.” — Eckhart Tolle
  9. “Even in your exhaustion, words can empower you to carry on.” — Nelson Mandela
  10. “Quotes are a reminder that no matter how drained you feel, there’s a way forward.” — Louise Hay

Feeling Drained Quotes When You Are Emotionally Tired

  1. “There’s no tired like emotional tired, but even in those moments, you can rise again.” — Maya Angelou
  2. “Emotional exhaustion is a sign that you’ve been strong for too long. It’s okay to rest.” — Unknown
  3. “Your emotional fatigue does not define your strength.” — Brené Brown
  4. “When you’re emotionally drained, remember that self-care is not selfish; it’s necessary.” — Unknown
  5. “Even the strongest hearts need rest. It’s okay to step back and recharge.” — Audre Lorde
  6. “Let yourself feel the weight of your emotions, but don’t forget to breathe through it.” — Elizabeth Gilbert
  7. “It’s in emotional tiredness that we find the depth of our resilience.” — Glennon Doyle
  8. “Give yourself permission to pause when your emotions overwhelm you.” — Anne Lamott
  9. “No one can pour from an empty cup. It’s okay to take time to refill yours.” — Unknown
  10. “When your spirit is drained, it’s a call to realign with your inner peace.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

Inspirational Quotes When You’re Feeling Drained

  1. “In the depths of your exhaustion, remember the strength you’ve built in the process.” — Nelson Mandela
  2. “Even when you’re drained, you are capable of pushing beyond your limits.” — Oprah Winfrey
  3. “Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.” — John Greenleaf Whittier
  4. “The only way to go from here is up, even if you’re feeling too tired to believe it.” — Helen Keller
  5. “When you’re feeling drained, it’s a sign that you’re growing beyond your comfort zone.” — Unknown
  6. “Strength comes not from never being drained, but from always finding the energy to rise again.” — Mahatma Gandhi
  7. “You may be drained, but you are not defeated.” — Viktor Frankl
  8. “Even in your most tired moments, you have the power to create something beautiful.” — Rumi
  9. “Fatigue is the price of perseverance, and perseverance leads to triumph.” — Winston Churchill
  10. “Let your tiredness be the reason you pause, not the reason you stop.” — Unknown

Stress and Tired Quotes When You’re Feeling Mentally Exhausted

  1. “Mental exhaustion is not a weakness; it’s a sign that your brain has been working overtime.” — Unknown
  2. “It’s okay to admit when you’re mentally drained; it’s not defeat, it’s a signal to reset.” — Sheryl Sandberg
  3. “Your mind is powerful, but it needs rest to function at its best.” — Eckhart Tolle
  4. “When mental fatigue sets in, rest your mind as you would your body.” — Unknown
  5. “Being mentally tired means you’ve been fighting a battle no one else can see. Be gentle with yourself.” — Unknown
  6. “Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is rest your mind.” — Wayne Dyer
  7. “When you’re mentally drained, it’s a reminder to slow down and refocus.” — Dalai Lama
  8. “Your brain, like a muscle, needs breaks to regain its strength.” — Stephen King
  9. “Stress may drain you, but peace will replenish you.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
  10. “Mental exhaustion is a cue to step back and breathe. You owe yourself that.” — Unknown

Motivational Quotes When You’re Feeling Drained

  1. “Feeling drained doesn’t mean you’re weak; it means you’re strong enough to need rest.” — Unknown
  2. “Don’t let exhaustion be the reason you stop. Let it be the reason you find a new path.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  3. “You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, even when you’re tired.” — Sophia Bush
  4. “The world won’t stop if you need to rest. Your dreams will wait for you.” — Oprah Winfrey
  5. “Fatigue is temporary, but the strength you build while pushing through lasts forever.” — Unknown
  6. “You are stronger than you feel. Keep going, even when you’re tired.” — Les Brown
  7. “Rest is part of the process, not a sign of failure.” — Brené Brown
  8. “The most powerful thing you can do when drained is to pause, reflect, and keep moving forward.” — Tony Robbins
  9. “In moments of exhaustion, find the motivation to rise just one more time.” — J.K. Rowling
  10. “Drained, but not done. Take a breath, and then take a step.” — Unknown

Are you ready to conquer your limiting beliefs?

  1. “Feeling drained by your own thoughts? It’s time to challenge your limiting beliefs.” — Unknown
  2. “Exhaustion from negative thinking can be overcome by shifting to empowering beliefs.” — Wayne Dyer
  3. “Your limiting beliefs are the source of your fatigue. Break free, and you will find your energy again.” — Unknown
  4. “The first step in overcoming your exhaustion is realizing it stems from self-doubt.” — Louise Hay
  5. “Belief is powerful. Don’t let limiting beliefs be the cause of your emotional and mental fatigue.” — Brené Brown
  6. “When you’re drained, ask yourself if it’s from your actions or your beliefs. Often, it’s the latter.” — Eckhart Tolle
  7. “Change your mind, and you change your energy.” — Unknown
  8. “Limiting beliefs will drain you. Let go of what’s holding you back.” — Tony Robbins
  9. “Your thoughts can either lift you up or drain you. Choose ones that give you strength.” — Unknown
  10. “You can conquer your limiting beliefs and find energy you didn’t know you had.” — Les Brown

Using Feeling Drained Quotes

  1. “Let these quotes be the reminder that rest is necessary, but giving up is optional.” — Unknown
  2. “Feeling drained quotes serve as a quiet nudge, encouraging you to keep going, even in fatigue.” — Brené Brown
  3. “Use these words as a balm for your tired soul, a reminder that you’re capable of rising again.” — Maya Angelou
  4. “Quotes have the power to shift your mindset from fatigue to resilience.” — Wayne Dyer
  5. “Sometimes a simple quote can change your entire outlook, even when you’re exhausted.” — Unknown
  6. “When you’re too tired to inspire yourself, let these words do the work for you.” — Helen Keller
  7. “Quotes won’t take away the tiredness, but they can remind you of the strength that lies within.” — Oprah Winfrey
  8. “Use these quotes to remind yourself that even in exhaustion, you are capable of great things.” — Nelson Mandela
  9. “These words are a reminder that every drained moment is temporary, and strength is eternal.” — Unknown
  10. “Let the power of quotes lift you when you can’t lift yourself.” — Rumi

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